Gold Level Payment Recovery Project


Category: Product ID: 11088


Details of the Project:

It is a 5 Months – 16 Steps Live (ZOOM) Online Implementation
Group Coaching Program.

Topics Covered are:

Step 1 – Full Diagnosis Of Your Business (Live) Business – MRI-Assessment
​Step 2- ​Starting The Process Of Recovering Your Old Stuck Payments Thru 12 Strategies.
​Step 3 – ​Installing The 31 Principles And Rockstrong Foundations
For Your New Payment Recovery System
Step 4 – Hiring And Training The New Payment Collector For Your New Rockstrong Payment Recovery Engine System.
Step 5 – Creating The Client Roi Dashboard – Through Automation
Step 6 – Customised Automation Of Your Payment Recovery Engine (Automation Charges Extra)
Step 7 – Preparing The Credit Policy Document For Your Customers
Step 8 – Creating Your Invoices That Get You Paid 3X Faster
Step 9 – What Should Be Your New Payment Terms? How To Create Them?
How To Implement Them On New Customers?
Step 10 – How To Connect ALPHA Customers.
Step 11 – The Advance X-Ray Machine – Sharp Scanning Of Would Be Customers.
Step 12 – The 6 Techs For Client Filtration Formula
Step 13 – Credit Insurance (How to Insure all your Invoices and Billings)
Step 14 – Your’s and Your team’s Live training On Recovery
Step 15 – The Game Changer
We Together will Make Your USP Why A Customer Should Pay You On Time .?
Step 16 – Your New Payment Recovery Grand Plan Future Payments